
George Wong, owner of the Chinese restaurants in Duluth and Superior, died

George Wong was in the business of restaurants in the Duluth area involved for over 40 years and for most of his life, his wife, Kamlin.
Wong, 74, died on Wednesday at St. Mary's Medical Center.

Originally from Canton, China, Wong came to California at the age of football jerseys
10 years and finally started working in a Chinese restaurant in the family. After the U.S.
Air Force, returned to California, Wong and the mid-1960s, he traveled to Minnesota to help a man.

Although Wong was determined to put the man in California, he refused, said Kamlin.

Do not miss with his parents to leave, Wong began working in Bears jersey
Congress Bar & Grill in Duluth in 1968 and opened the Jade Fountain 305 N. Central Ave

Wong sold the restaurant in 1997, but considering retirement.

To want to return the company that he and his partner opened the restaurant Golden Chen Wen Huang Superior Inn in 2005. Wong wanted was the name of the Posada del Oro, as was the name of the restaurant from his family in Panthers jersey
California. I wanted to follow the name, said Kamlin.

He visited the restaurant almost daily until his death, even for a visit if it is not good.

Kamlin said his family

